Sunday, December 31, 2023

How to select the best agency offering language translation services in India?


Language Translation Services in India

The year 2020 was tough for the whole world, especially for the global corporate sector. Companies that failed to become agile by expanding their operations first on a local, then on a national and finally on a global scale failed to brave the trying days of 2020 and are now absent from the corporate sector.

But is the mere expansion of operations the only step that brands need to take in a bid to secure their future?

No, that is not the case!

Veteran linguists associated with reputed agencies rendering quality-assured language translation services in India believe that brands need to use multilingual promotional content to promote their offerings especially when they are expanding into new market segments.

But why do brands need to use multilingual promotional content?

The CEO of a revered translation service provider put together quite a few pointers for the research team that worked on this post that enunciated the importance of language translation services for modern businesses.

Some of the most compelling reasons that make language translation service an indispensable tool for modern multinational enterprises are mentioned in the sections that follow.

Communication between a brand and its clients becomes enhanced

When a company is expanding its operations on a local, national or international scale, it should take measures that would allow it to communicate with both its current and prospective clients simultaneously. This is where professional translators come into the proverbial picture.

One must remember that whether one purchases products or subscribes to the services offered by a brand depends on how well promotional content created by the brand in question has been perceived, decoded and accepted by the intended viewer(s).

An agency offering language translation services also allows brands to connect seamlessly with people who do not speak the official language of the brand in question.

The brand and its operations conform to various legal as well as foreign policies

Properly translated business documents allow a brand that recently entered into the market segment of another nation to conform with the legal as well as corporate policies of the targeted nation/region. Why is legal/foreign policy conformity important for a brand? Well, it is the only way for a company to keep lawsuits as well as penalties at bay.

How to select the best agency offering language translation services in India?

Language translation companies should only be selected when one has considered the following aspects.

It is best to hire an agency based on one’s project requirements

One must hire an agency that has a dedicated department for the type of language service one needs. In this way, the resulting linguistically altered localized promotional content will not only gel with the people of the targeted market segments. But at the same time, the original intent, tone and identity of the brand will remain intact in the linguistically altered localized content irrespective of the targeted language used.

The agency should be established in its sector

One must run a background search in a bid to learn about how long the shortlisted language service provider has been associated with the linguistic sector. Furthermore, one must also gather as much information as they can about the quality of services rendered by the shortlisted language service provider. On top of this, it is also recommended that one should hand over their project to a language translation agency that has certified, skilled and experienced native speakers of the languages that the agency covers through its services.

Bhasha Bharati Arts is the best provider of language translation services in India

If you are on the hunt for a language service provider that can offer linguistic services in all prominent African, Asian, European, Middle Eastern and American languages then be sure to contact Bhasha Bharati Arts. The agency is currently in its third decade as a language service provider with a pan-India presence. The interpreters and linguists associated with Bhasha Bharati Arts are none but the best in the sector. Furthermore, all linguists associated with the agency are native speakers of the languages that the agency targets through its document translation services and related linguistic services. The language services are available in scalable packages and the rates for services rendered are reasonable. For more details, please contact Bhasha Bharati Arts today.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Fiction Writers Should Avail Book Translation Services Today For Success! | Bhasha Bharati Arts

Book Translation Services


Fiction translation is on the rise as the sales of graphic novels and fiction content such as manga from Asian nations are gaining a lot of traction among readers of the world.

In this digital age, it is quite captivating to witness that young people are reverting to the days when leisure hours meant picking up an unputdownable book and reading it till it’s finished!

Back in the day, book translation services used to be a niche but these days, thanks to the resurgence in demand for translated fiction, book translation companies all over the world are making a killing.

Translated fiction penned by global authors is gaining a lot of traction

As per the professional opinion of people associated with the Booker Prize Foundation in the UK, these days, people all over the world who belong to the 25–34-year-old age group are reigniting their interest in exploring literary works.

Thanks to the internet, the global youth these days finally understand what they have been missing all these years especially when they have access to impressive literary works such as –

  • Japanese manga
  • Argentinean horror
  • Japanese thrillers
  • Korean dramas, etc.

This was not always the case though!

As per the views of a veteran linguist specializing in book translation services back in the day, people belonging to the 40–60-year-old age group were the ones who sought out translated works of literature authored by English, Swedish and Norwegian authors. After that, came the age of people interested in translated fiction from the French authors. These were picked up by people in their 40s and 50s. These days, however, the demand for translated fiction is coming from people in their late 20s and 30s, especially for literary works from Japan, Thailand and Korea.

It is evident by now that if one is a fiction writer from Japan, Thailand or Korea then it is high time they invest in professional book translation services in a bid to taste success in no time!

What’s the reason behind the sudden rise in the popularity of translated fiction?

Well as per the findings of researchers associated with the top providers of book translation services in India thanks to the internet and easy availability of advanced online publishing tools, in recent years, there has been a global surge in the rise of independent publishing houses and freelance publishers.

These freethinkers make it their mission to make literary gems popular. Without these independent publishing houses and professionals, countless authors and their amazing works of literary art would have never even gained popularity!

Why the young generation is suddenly buying and reading translated fiction titles?

Several times the youth these days were looked down upon due to their social media obsessive nature or lack of interest in activities that nourish the human mind such as reading.

However, the youth have proved the judgmental people wrong by stating their desire to read translated literary works from small, medium and veteran authors residing in Asian nations. This desire to have access to document translation services meant for fiction writers is picked up by language service providers who in turn are making the service mainstream.

The outcome is that the youth finally got their wish materialized hence the resurgence in demand for translated books.

Whether it’s a manga or a graphic novel Bhasha Bharati Arts can translate it all!

If you are feeling convinced then it is time to contact the best providers of book translation services — Bhasha Bharati Arts. It is a language service provider from India with an international footprint that has been instrumental in helping Asian authors attain international recognition in recent years. For more details, contact Bhasha Bharati Arts today!

Monday, November 27, 2023

All About The Significance Of Bengali Translation Services | Bhasha Bharati Arts

Bengali Translation Services

 It is no news that language always has been a powerful tool. However, with the advent of the internet age, language services have emerged to be a necessary tool that brands all over the world use to achieve their respective corporate goals.

This article in the following sections will shine a light on Bengali translation services instead of covering translation services as a whole. The article will also explore why Bengali translation services have gained so much popularity all over the world in recent years.

Here goes.

Why Bengali translation services are getting more popular by the day?

Well, there are several reasons for this. Some of the reasons that stand out the most are as follows.

Using Bengali localization services allows one to preserve their cultural heritage

Bengali translation services can be used to preserve the rich Bengali traditions, art and literature all the while promoting a brand or marketing the offerings of a business.

Furthermore, translation services designed for the Bengali language and its dialects also allow one to make sure that Bengali literary works such as poems written by revered Bengali poets, Bengali historical texts, and Bengali folklore reach the farthest corners of the world so that the language achieves the popularity it deserves.

Bengali translation can make high quality learning materials readily accessible

Professional Bengali translation services can help educational institutions in India and Bangladesh to make high quality learning materials originating from the US, the UK and other European nations accessible to students and professionals who are not adept at English or other European languages. In this way, the people who speak Bengali will be able to hone skills that would allow them to secure impressive jobs or pursue highly rewarding careers.

It is best to run marketing campaigns using Bengali as the target language

A significant portion of the world speaks Bengali. Hence, it makes sense to target this language when one is promoting their business or marketing the offerings of their venture. Doesn’t it!?

Why you should hire professionals for Bengali translation projects?

Professional providers of English to Bengali translation services are experienced, certified and resourceful enough to ensure that you get services that are worth your money and time. Impressive accuracy will be maintained all across the project. Furthermore, you will be able to rely on the agency as they would also make sure that the project they are working on takes into account the Bengali dialects that are prominent in the target locations where the localized content will be used.

On top of this, veteran providers of Bengali translation services make sure that the project at hand is worked on by linguists who are either retired professionals who used to belong to the sector your brand is associated with or have significant knowledge about the same. 

Additionally, when you use Bengali language translation services, remember that your project will be subjected to rigorous bespoke quality assurance processes alongside quality-assured proofreading as well as editing services so that you can use the content directly without worrying about silly linguistic or contextual mistakes.

Bhasha Bharati Arts and its Bengali translation services entail the highest ROIs!

One must remember that investing in Bengali translation services is a wise decision as it allows one to translate all the marketing material they use to promote their brand. In simple words, both established and new businesses can use Bengali localization services to expand their market share, boost their image and polish their reputation in the market segments they have targeted. Furthermore, the Bengali-speaking population percentage of the world is quite huge. Hence, to make sure that one is tapping into this lucrative market segment; one has to avail Bengali translation services. To learn more, contact a language service provider specializing in Bengali localization services today.

Monday, October 30, 2023

A Deep Dive Into Proofreading Services | Bhasha Bharati Arts

Proofreading Services


It is very important to proofread a piece of textual content that will be shared with an audience.

It doesn’t matter whether you have an academic paper, content that would be printed on flyers or the content that you have put together in your Curriculum Vitae, make sure that you avail professional proofreading and editing services.

Why it is best to hire a professional proofreader?

There are several benefits in store for people who ditch the idea of proofreading the textual content they have created and instead hire a provider of professional proofreading services so that experts can evaluate the textual content in question. Some of those benefits are mentioned in the sections below.

The content will be better organized than it was before

With the help from providers of professional document editing and proofreading services, your textual content will be better organized than it was at the time of its creation. Professional proofreaders will surely put together the key takeaways that you are planning to convey to your target audience with your content. Furthermore, the content would also be assessed by the professional linguist in terms of its contextual flow and linguistic order so that the same serves the purpose of the author Read More.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

How Do Translation Services Help To Boost A Business? | Bhasha Bharati Arts


Translation Services

The advent of the internet opened up a plethora of opportunities for brands and businesses of all sizes and ages from all sectors of the global economy.

Thanks to digital tools, strategies and promotional methods such as translation services and content marketing, businesses these days can reach new market segments as well as woo prospective clients from every corner of the world.

How do translation services help to boost a business?

Brands go global with the help of translation services

Globalization is the only way for a brand to remain relevant, profitable and sustainable for an entrepreneur. Back in the day, globalization was a tough affair. But these days, thanks to translation and localization experts, businesses can enhance their respective communication networks (and methods) in a bid to gain a competitive edge over rival organizations.

Brands gain recognition in their local market segments

Translation services also help small and medium-scale enterprises gain recognition in their respective local market segments by continuously bombarding their current as well as prospective clients with attractive localized promotional content.

Brands can offer personalized experiences to their customer bases

Translation services offered by top translation companies have also time and again proved to be an efficient tool for brands to offer personalised experiences that are tailored to the expectations of both their current as well as prospective clients.  

Research backs up the claims mentioned above

The data from several independent studies reveal that more than seventy per cent of customers are more likely to purchase products or subscribe to the services of brands that tend to offer relevant information in the local languages that are prevalently used in a target location.

It means that brands that tend to localize their business documents using document translation services or localize their website/e-store landing page content using website translation services are more likely to gain popularity in nations where English is not preferred as a primary language for official or generic communication. 

However, there is a catch.

Brand owners and entrepreneurs would need to ensure that the language service provider they have selected to help localize and translate all promotional collateral generated by their enterprise every single business day is tailored in a manner that keeps the intent and tone of the source content intact. This is a priority and if ignored then the brand or business in question might not be able to form a lasting rapport with its targeted audience segments overseas. This would end in situations where the customers would be lost to rival brands and businesses.

Is it true that professionally translated content boosts the SEO ranks of a brand?

Yes, it is true that foreign language translation services can help a brand or business grow online by boosting their respective SEO ranks in local and global Search Engines using bespoke content marketing, localization and translation strategies that are relevant to the sector the brand or business in question belongs to.

Bhasha Bharati Arts offer quality-assured and reasonably priced translation services

Bhasha Bharati Arts is a premier provider of translation services in India. With a pan-India presence and a client base consisting of small, medium and multinational brands, the ISO 9001:2015, and DIN EN 1508 certified language service provider has been rendering quality assured translation services to enterprises belonging from all sectors of the Indian and international corporate sectors. Bhasha Bharati Arts is a corporate member of the American Translators Association. On top of this, the language service provider has a global team of linguists who are certified and experienced in a plethora of linguistic skills. Bhasha Bharati Arts is also famous for rendering bespoke (and reasonable) tariffs for professional translation services to its ever-expanding client base. For more details, please call the language service provider today.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

The Importance Of Certified Translation At A Glance | Bhasha Bharati Arts


Certified Translation Services

Certified translation falls under the category of document translation services. Certified translation as a service can be availed by individuals and business organizations alike. 

Often documents need to be localized in a bid to keep an individual or a brand away from legal ramifications. This is done with the help of certified translation services where the translated copies of a document are produced alongside its certificate of translation especially when the translated document is being produced in a court of law or at a government office.

Why certified translation is so important?

Certified document translation services help people who have translated their documents from a translation agency prove that the translation was done right and is fit for use in government offices as well as overseas wherever the document needs to be submitted for official use. Furthermore, certified translation services also ascertain that the translated copy of a document conveys the exact information as stated in the original document.

What are the applications of certified translation services?

Document translation services have a plethora of applications. Some of the most common applications of certified translation services are mentioned in the sections below.

  • The primary consumer of certified translation services is the global corporate sector. Businesses use certified translation as a means to ensure that everyone associated with the organization understands a document irrespective of the language in which the document in question has been presented to an individual associated with the company in question.

  • Certified translation also helps individuals to ascertain that all contracts and legal agreements with investors, suppliers from overseas and interested entities in a certain location convey the same intent and content as that of the original document.

  • Professionals like a certified Spanish translator can also help Spanish-speaking nationals trying to get a job in India to succeed in their endeavours by translating all official documents to local Indian languages so that the whole process of securing a job in India for Spanish-speaking nationals is streamlined. 

  • Often, multinational companies that are based in Latin America seek help from providers of Spanish translation services in Mumbai whenever they plan on setting up their businesses in India. This step is taken by companies from Latin America in a bid to ascertain that their business policies are translated accurately and professionally so that the brand in question can render quality assured services to their Indian customers all the while complying with the local and national corporate laws of India.

  • Certified translation service providers also help consumer electronics and fast-moving consumer goods manufacturers to export their products overseas by providing them with user manuals, data sheets and product specifications that have been localized and are backed with certificates of translation. This simple step allows brands to go global and build lasting professional relationships with their stakeholders overseas in no time.

Get your certificates and documents translated by veterans in the sector!

Bhasha Bharati Arts has been associated with the translation sector for several decades. The language service provider is based in Mumbai and delivers accurate certified translation services to individuals, businesses and brands since 1968. Every translator tasked to translate certificates and all kinds of official documents is skilled and certified. The language service provider has a strict quality control process and is also known for their punctuality. Bhasha Bharati Arts also has a pan-India presence and its clientele consists of multinational corporations, local businesses and start-ups from India and abroad. The language service provider also offers bespoke tariffs to its customers and is also known to render customer-centric services at all times. To learn more, please contact Bhasha Bharati Arts today.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Why Accurate Technical Translation Is Must For Manufacturers?


Since time immemorial, manufacturers have been exporting finished goods to their international clients. Fast forward to the year when the internet was made accessible to the public, manufacturers were able to quickly expand their operations. However, with internet-based globalization, manufacturers then had to find a way to remain relevant among rival organizations. This is when manufacturers took the help of online marketing tools as well as made localization and translation a part of running their respective business operations.

Why technical translation is important for manufacturers?

Providers of technical translation services routinely help manufacturers whenever the goal is to increase the chances of a manufacturer to succeed in a new market segment. Technical translation services are often paired with technical localization services when a manufacturer has a lot of competition in its target market segments from indigenous brands. With the help of technical translation and localization, manufacturers can break the proverbial ice, linguistic barriers, and cultural hurdles. The outcome is that the products offered by the manufacturer would appeal to the masses of the target market segment and they would then shun their preferred local brands and start purchasing products from the manufacturer in question.

How do technical translation services help manufacturers?

With the help of precise translation services meant for technical projects, manufacturers can reap the benefits mentioned in the sections below.

  • Technical translation helps manufacturers convey complex technical information to their customers accurately and lucidly. In the process, technical translation helps manufacturers improve their respective customer experiences by many folds.

  • Industry-specific translation services also help manufacturers comply with international and local norms penned by apex authorities for products.

  • Accurate translation also helps manufacturers secure their respective intellectual properties especially when the same are being sold in foreign markets.

  • Technical translation services also help manufacturers enhance their market share and drive their annual sales by ensuring product descriptions and related promotional content for the same products in the local language(s).

What are the factors that one should look for in a technical translation service provider?

  • When one is looking for a provider of technical translation services their primary concern should be to make sure that the Language Service Provider has certifications for quality assurance and management.

  • The secondary concern should be to ensure that the language service provider has a stellar reputation for offering accurate technical translation and related language services. Accuracy in technical translation is a necessity as accurate translated as well as localized copies of technical content can help keep a manufacturer away from fines, lawsuits, loss of reputation patent rejection(s), and banning from operating in a target market segment!

  • The tertiary concern for someone looking for a provider of technical documentation translation services is to make sure that the language experts under the payroll of the language service provider have a strong grip on industry-specific as well as regulated language. This is the only way to ensure that the patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, licenses, and related technical documents a language service provider is localizing on behalf of a manufacturer won’t come in the way of the expansion plans of the business.

Get high-quality technical translation services at the best rates

Technical translation is a nuanced language service that has a huge demand due to its wide range of applications. If one is looking for a reliable language service provider that has expertise in technical translation and can render required services at reasonable rates and deadlines then it is highly recommended that one contacts Bhasha Bharati Arts. Bhasha Bharati Arts have been associated with the language service sector for decades. The language service provider has a pan-India presence and has been helping out small, medium, and multinational manufacturers with their technical translation as well as technical localization projects for a long time. To learn more, contact Bhasha Bharati Arts today.